Insoles for the Chiropractic Patient

Insoles for the Chiropractic Patient

By Dr. Ryan Zullo, DC

HealthFirst Chiropractic of Westerville

Dr. Ryan Zullo, DC

How Could My Patients Benefit from Insoles

After being in practice for more than 12 years and providing tens of thousands of adjustments to men and women of all ages, with a variety of musculoskeletal complaints, I have realized that when it comes to helping people, there is in fact a pattern. I am here to tell you that the only “pattern” we typically see is that there really isn’t a pattern. What worked on one patient does not necessarily work with another. Even a patient with a flare-up of the same injury that occurred weeks, months, or even years ago may require a different treatment protocol that enables them to achieve a specific health goal.

Most Chiropractic physicians would agree that a lot of the injuries that are seen in their office are not always a result of lifting something heavy, from a fall, or even a motor vehicle accident. Believe it or not, many of the injuries treated are considered to be "old” in nature, meaning that wear and tear has been taking place for a period of time. It is not a question of if, but when will the body break down to the point where symptoms will present themselves in the form of pain, discomfort, stiffness, or a combination of all three. Similar to a cavity, where it could take months or even years for decay to occur before the person feels a toothache, the same timeline may apply to many Chiropractic patients.

Unfortunately, due to the patient’s hobbies, daily routines and lack of ergonomically correct posture while performing work duties, combined with the lack of core strength and supporting muscles, the most common area of the body that is affected is the low back region. Keep in mind, the lumbar spine not only contributes to common movements such as bending and twisting, but it also supports the weight of the upper body.

Did You Know Multiple studies have shown that up to 84% of adults will suffer from lower back pain and/or discomfort at some point during their life.

If 84% of adults are suffering from an injury that causes low back pain at some point in their life, compensation above and below the lumbar spine is likely to occur. Their gait will likely be affected and now the patient may be forced to deal with a secondary problem in their hips, knees, ankles, and feet.

Our goal is to always do what is best for the patient. Always listen, provide safe, gentle Chiropractic care, and recommend things that might allow them to not only heal faster, but reduce physical stress and improve their overall biomechanics in order to prevent injuries from reoccurring. One of the things that you can supplement your Chiropractic care with, especially for patients with a history of foot and ankle as well as low back and/or pelvic pain and discomfort, is the addition of insoles.

But why? What is the connection between low back pain and the use of insoles? If Chiropractors can help patients become properly aligned by providing an adjustment to a specific joint, PowerStep insoles can help keep them there! The addition of an orthotic stabilizes the arches in one's foot which in return, helps create a solid foundation for the rest of the body. Many know this as the “Kinetic Chain.”  The phenomenon that everything in the body is connected to some degree and if something is “off” at body part X, it could ultimately affect body part Y or even Z.

This is important because if a patient is going to invest the time, the money, and the effort to get better, then we want to do everything we can to maintain all the progress that we have made. If the simple addition of an orthotic promotes better biomechanics and maximizes the benefits of Chiropractic care, then start recommending insoles just like you recommend an ice pack or stretches for an injured area.

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